A Comprehensive Guide to Bridge Nose Piercings

Updated: August 11, 2023

Tattoo and piercing enthusiasts constantly search for new ways to express themselves, and one of the unique and striking choices they might consider is the bridge nose piercing.

Situated horizontally across the bridge of the nose, this piercing gives an edgy and eye-catching look. If you're curious about this piercing or contemplating getting one, this comprehensive guide is for you.

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What is a Bridge Nose Piercing?

A bridge nose piercing, also commonly known as an "earl" piercing, is a surface piercing located on the bridge of the nose between the eyes. Unlike other nose piercings which penetrate cartilage or flesh, the bridge piercing goes through the loose skin at the top of the nose.

Pain Level

Piercings vary in terms of discomfort from person to person, but generally, bridge nose piercings are considered to be of moderate pain level. Since it's a surface piercing that doesn't go through cartilage, many find it less painful than other nose piercings, such as the septum.

Healing and Aftercare

Bridge piercings generally take 8-12 weeks to heal. The key is keeping the area clean and free from unnecessary stress:

  • Cleanse daily: Use a saline solution (saltwater) to gently cleanse the area twice a day.

  • Avoid touching: Reduce the risk of infection by avoiding unnecessary touching and turning of the jewelry.

  • Be cautious with glasses: If you wear glasses, ensure they don't put pressure on the piercing.

  • Stay away from pools: Chlorinated water can irritate the piercing.

Potential Risks

Like any piercing, there are some risks associated:

  • Migration and Rejection: Surface piercings can be more prone to migration (moving from its original position) or rejection (where the body pushes the jewelry out).

  • Scarring: If a bridge piercing is removed or rejected, it may leave a scar.

  • Infection: Always ensure you’re getting pierced at a professional studio and follow the aftercare instructions to reduce this risk.

Jewelry Choices

The most common jewelry type for bridge piercings is the straight or curved barbell. The ends of the jewelry can be decorative, from simple balls to intricate designs. Material choices range from surgical steel to titanium. It's crucial to select hypoallergenic materials to reduce potential reactions.

Is it Right for You?

Before getting a bridge nose piercing:

  • Consult with a professional: They can provide guidance on placement, jewelry choice, and whether your anatomy is suitable for the piercing.

  • Consider your lifestyle: Jobs or activities that require regular face contact (e.g., certain sports) might not be compatible with a bridge piercing.

  • Commit to the aftercare: Proper healing requires diligent care.

Final Thoughts

A bridge nose piercing is a unique and bold choice for those looking to make a statement. Like any piercing, it requires commitment to care and an understanding of the associated risks.

Always consult with a professional piercer, and make sure your choice is based on informed decisions. When done correctly and cared for with diligence, a bridge piercing can be a beautiful addition to your aesthetic.


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